About Me

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We are the Huron Bush Boys. We are a rag tag team of Canadian outdoor survivalists. So what makes us different from all the rest ??? We drink, we smoke and we have fun doing it ! These videos are your portal into our twisted world. A world of trees,unpredictable weather, cold beers,liquor and lots of Canadian slang! *** So welcome to the swamps of Huron County. We are your "All Booze Wilderness Adventure Team" and these are our stories !

Oops We Blew Up Our Campsite ! - Big Explosion


The Huron Bush Boys are at it again. Another batch of working laptops bites the bat in a weekend of Smashing Mac's. Destroying Apple Power Books for sheer pleasure !

April 15, 2007

Classic T.L.D - The Huron Bush Boys

Team Leader Down !Our fearless leader seldom gets lost and can chug cold or warm beer like crazy.He dislikes vodka due to vomit incidents that have takin place over the years. These led to situations like this now known as the T.L.D series...anyway after several attempts recently to get back on the vodka

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